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Advertising is like cannibalism… It’s a people business. Go for smart people with passion and loyalty. The rest you can teach them.

It’s true. Without great people you don’t get great work. Pace has always found and employed the best people from each new crop to provide a young, vibrant crew. We get them young and train them to think that long hours for little money is the way it should be (as long as no-one tells them otherwise, we’re doing OK).

Like a great football team nearby, we’ve got depth. That means your job doesn’t stop for holidays. That also means we have specialists in everything from writing, design and video to web and publishing. The Pace team will care more about your job than you do. It breaks our little hearts to see the work go out the door.


A Promo with a Hook in it!

To get value you need a message with bite. Something to attract the big fish. That’s where we come in. For 50 years we’ve been creating campaigns to help our clients land the big one. So for a little more salt and vinegar in your next activity give us a call.


Method in our Madness.

That fantastic creative idea that’s a world beater is a wonderful thing. But genius is notoriously unreliable. One minute it’s the pet rock, the next it’s the combination bike pump and can opener.

To make sure that every creative development we work on has some consistency in quality we’ve developed a creative methodology. It’s a simple idea with a complicated name and flowchart. It’s called the spiral development model and the flowchart looks like a snail in the cross hairs. But that’s not important right now.

What is important is that we use it to develop concepts, review the concept, amend as required and continue in an expanding cycle until we achieve the right result. And that’s before we show it to you.

(No snails were injured in the making of this site).